
10 November 2013

Festive Five Tweet Tasting

Not only are we thrilled to announce another dramspanking dose of tweet tastery, we’re getting into the festive spirit, quite literally by teaming up with our friends at Arkwright’s Whisky and Wines to bring you a Festive Five tweet tasting on December 11th.

On the night we’ll be blind tasting five drams which we think will go down a treat over the festive period, and we’re not just talking about those usual dramming suspects, oh no there will be a few surprises and alternatives in the mix.
So if you would like to take part in what promises to be an evening of fine festive frolics, register your interest by emailing your name, postal address and Twitter handle via the contact tab, remembering to mark the subject line #FestiveDrams
The closing date to register is November 22nd, and if you’re registering to take part please make sure that you’ll actually be free on the night!
Even if you're not one of the selected Tweet Tasters, it'd be great to have you following all the nights dramspankery, so we look forward to seeing you over on Twitter on December 11th at 7pm via #FestiveDrams
Until then Happy Dramlaxing!